* back from Shandong. Very tired for there are many passenges in the train. There is no seat for me. I have to stand for more than six hours from shandong to beijing. Go to office straightly from railway station. It is about 6:00 am when i get to the office. Call my wife about my travel. sleep for an hour.
Wake up at 8:00, have a look at my fund. no sense. go downstair to have breakfast. Begin to work.
To-do list
* compatibility tab page
** merge the codes
** make test files.
* Install cxoffice and msoffice 2003, copy simsun.ttf from windows to cxoffice. so make msoffice display correctly in linux.
* make a ms word file in word 2003, save as word 2000 a.doc, open a.doc by oo2, and save as b.doc.
comparing the compatibility options between two files.
* Read Word 8 file format, try to find out the compatibility options.
** search word 2000 file format in wotsit.org. not got it. only has word8/ word 97 file format.
* buy a fund owned by efunds.com.cn. fund code is 112002. invest 5000RMB
* check how to apply my house funds in fesco.com. 需要一张支取记录单,但我没有,如何办。