
Tab browsing for OpenOffice.org

If you can load all the documents ( text, presentation, spreadsheet) in a single OpenOffice.org window, and use tabs to navigate between them, would it be good for you?

I will spend a week to "hack" on this problem and try to see whether I can make a prototype for it.

I think it is not a easy stuff, so your suggestion is very appreciated.


check out the code in the cws: gsoc


* Investigate how to add a typedetection for OOo
two files should be added, one is for "type", the other is for "filter".
refer to svg-import :http://www.ipd.uka.de/~hauma/svg-import/

* learn Python-uno bridge

* how to use XRayTool
download xraytool and install, but not know how to use it.

* install object inspector

* Articles about the macro language OpenOffice.org/StarBASIC: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Category:Basic:Tutorials
* IDL and Cpp: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IDL_Files_and_Cpp#Core_reflection_service_and_its_Interfaces
* WEB api: http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/index-files/index-1.html
* using cpp with the OOo sdk: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Using_Cpp_with_the_OOo_SDK


2007年6月21日 星期4

* learn how to write extension in OOo
download some materials
* http://api.openoffice.org/docs/DevelopersGuide/Components/Components.xhtml#1_7_3_Add-Ons
Read this guid

print http://api.openoffice.org/docs/DevelopersGuide/Extensions/Extensions.xhtml#1_Extensions,
read this tonight


* Investigate how to port libwps into openoffice
writerperfect: wraper for libwps

Debugging OO

1. build debug=true dbglevel=2 for max output and dbglevel=1 or 0 for less output.
gdb ./soffice.bin
(gdb) handle SIGPWR nostop noprint
(gdb) handle SIGXCPU nostop noprint
(gdb) handle SIG33 nostop noprint
(gdb) run -norestore -writer

3. (gdb) print dbg_dump(sWhatEver)

4. rebuild the module
gdb ./soffice.bin
#0 0x40b4e0a1 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1 0x409acfe6 in raise () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2 0x447bcdbd in SfxMedium::DownLoad(Link const&) () from ./libsfx641li.so
#3 0x447be151 in SfxMedium::SfxMedium(String const&, unsigned short, unsigned char, SfxFilter const*, SfxItemSet*) ()
from ./libsfx641li.so
#4 0x448339d3 in getCppuType(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const*) () from ./libsfx641li.so
cd base/OOO_STABLE_1/sfx2
ootouch SfxMedium
build debug=true
5. or
dmake killobj

6.Non-Product Builds are created using a special configure switch, namely --enable-dbgutil.

For available tools in non-product builds, have a look at the various DBG_foo macros in tools/debug.hxx

To actually fire up the debug settings dialog, press -D.

To use (or do QA for) the additional debug features: just run OO.o, and
when it's in full-flow, press --
'D' in that order

* download storm player
* download norton anti virus
* download xp patches


tab browsing in oo

* reference
find . -name *.src -exec grep -Hn Normal '{}' \;






zoom factor in sw

* how to set the zoom factor when importing a .odt file

SwWrtShell * SwDocShell::GetWrtShell()
SwViewOption::SetZoom, GetZoom

2007年6月18日 星期一

* check the address of gdb that is near to Guomao
** some many people

* File some issues about compatibility with ms word
** zoom factor: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=78589
** compatibility option: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=78591

* check the insurance for my daughter.
** no mail for insurance agence

* renew the driver certification.
** done.

* send 1 inch picture to fesco to constuct the medical certification.

* hacking week issue


* romove openoffice package
** query openofffice package
rpm -qa openoffice\*

** remove this package
rpm -qa openoffice\* | xargs rpm -e --nodeps

* how to share files between two linux pc
* *mount nsf file system
suppose that bibile is a ntf server, it has a share directory /share.
mount bible:/share /mnt

** mount nfs filesystem when loading
in /etc/fstab
bible:/share /mnt nsf user,noauto,rw 0 0

* text grid bug
** line per page changes when switch text grid mode
** import doc
** compatability option error





new ideas on OO from Hacking Week

Hacking week from opensuse is comming soon. from now on, there are two ideas about OOo.
* collaborative editing for OO
allow multipule people to work together on the same document in OO at the same time in the same visual space.
the OO internals need to be examined because it does not use a "piece table" implementation underneath the word processor which would make this easier.

* more intuitive UI for OO
simplify and trimming down the OO UI so that an user can more easily grasp it. sources of inspiration maybe include google docs, the ribbon interface in MS Office 2007 and more.

There is my idea about OO from Soc proposal: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Summer_of_Code_2007/proposals#OpenOffice.org_Based_Workflow_Framework

OpenOffice.org Based Workflow Framework

The one feature that is now begging for attention from OpneOffice.org is the colloboration and workflow. The workflow system should leverage on the Xforms support in OpenOffice.org and combine it with other Open Source Products like Shark ( http://www.enhydra.org/workflow/shark/index.html ) and JaWe ( http://www.enhydra.org/workflow/jawe/index.html ) to create an integrated Xforms based workflow system. The product should have a centralized server component and a client component. The server component interfaces with Process repositories and Process Instance repositories and has Java based Administration and Definition tools. The client component could be a toolbar which sits as an addon into the office suite. The goal of this project is to provide document workflow from within OpenOffice.org.

surprised by a news

* surprised by a news: 香港雇员晚上十点钟、十一点钟下班很少会有怨言,很少见到香港员工下午五点多就吵着要回家,因为他们知道把工作干好是应该的。

* 很多标准从出现到流行可能要经历5~10年的时间,例如web,在80年代出现,但到1994年才流行。
web service在2000年出现,到04~05才流行。

* trim:整理

* Second Life
second life is a 3-d virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents.


how to use "ccache" to speed up the compile

get from jlcheng. thank him.

2007年6月11日 星期一

* back from Shandong. Very tired for there are many passenges in the train. There is no seat for me. I have to stand for more than six hours from shandong to beijing. Go to office straightly from railway station. It is about 6:00 am when i get to the office. Call my wife about my travel. sleep for an hour.
Wake up at 8:00, have a look at my fund. no sense. go downstair to have breakfast. Begin to work.

To-do list
* compatibility tab page
** merge the codes
** make test files.

* Install cxoffice and msoffice 2003, copy simsun.ttf from windows to cxoffice. so make msoffice display correctly in linux.

* make a ms word file in word 2003, save as word 2000 a.doc, open a.doc by oo2, and save as b.doc.
comparing the compatibility options between two files.

* Read Word 8 file format, try to find out the compatibility options.
** search word 2000 file format in wotsit.org. not got it. only has word8/ word 97 file format.

* buy a fund owned by efunds.com.cn. fund code is 112002. invest 5000RMB

* check how to apply my house funds in fesco.com. 需要一张支取记录单,但我没有,如何办。



“ 与天斗,其乐无穷;




1. mount iso file in linux
mount work.iso /tmp/work -o -loop

2. /etc/init.d/network restart

3. useradd
chown user:group username

future plan

1. Enterprising
work hard in my position. Try to write down what i do everyday, better to more detail.
* Skill
** OOo
*** How to Add-in, Add-on
*** OpenXML Filter
*** CJK functions
*** Active in community

** Linux
*** dev in linux

** English
*** Listern & Spoken

2. Life
* self-control strictly
* be friendly to others, try to help others.
* open-minding to talk with others
* read more books