
Linux tutorial 2 -- System startup and boot processes

There are nigh steps that occur in Linux boot proccess
1. The bios or firmwire system reads the Master Boot Recorde on the harddisk or other boot device.
2. a boot load runs. (LILO: /etc/lilo.conf, or Grub: /boot/grub/menu.lst) to look for the linux kernel.
3. the kernel loads
4. The root filesystem is mounted.
5. Start the process init. the parent of all other processes
6. read the content of /etc/inittab to configure the remaining boot steps. one important thing is to specify the runlevel the system will boot to.
7. runlevel-neutral system initialization. This initialization will be performed regardless of runlevel.
8 runlevel-specific system initialization
9. login in at the prompt.
