
beijing linux user group

1. In the morning, port the emails. got the Peter's response about the meeting date about how to work together in OO community.
He told me I can join into the Beijing Linux user group (BLUG) and they have a regular meeting in this group.

Register to become a BLUG member.

From BLUG, a OO.org summit forum hosted by CH2000 will be hold on 15, May, 2007. Furthermore,Louis Suarez-Potts, OpenOffice.org Comminuty Manager will be in Beijing. He will present in this forum.

2. Check the oo cvs bug
ssh -v -x -2 -L 2401:localhost:2401 tunnel@openoffice.org
cvs -d :pserver:pflin@localhost:/cvs login
export CWS_WORK_STAMP=cjksp1

cvs -d :pserver:pflin@localhost:/cvs co -r cws_src680_cjksp1 sw

The same error happens:
lock.c:223: failed assertion `strncmp (repository, current_parsed_root->directory, strlen (current_parsed_root->directory)) == 0'
cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal
lock.c:223: failed assertion `strncmp (repository, current_parsed_root->directory, strlen (current_parsed_root->directory)) == 0'
cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal


3. Make a full build of Openoffice based on SRC680_m211
fme encountered a couple of very serious assertion coming from svtools(itempool.cxx) during putting of the SwTextGridItem. He suggested I should test my cws agian with a non-product build (./configure --help, maybe using --enable-dbgutils)
./configure --enable-dbgutils --disable-mozilla

4. Merge code from m208 to m211
checkout the codes based on m208

delete all CVS directory
find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf '{}' \;

make a pacth
diff -Nurp ~/src680_m208/sw ./sw > textgrid_sw.diff

apply the patch
patch -p0 < textgrid_sw.diff